We can't believe it, Day 100 is finally here! Starting on July 1st, we challenged ourselves to give y'all a tip every day on how to live more sustainably and consciously. We always hoped that these posts would have some impact on your life and teach you a thing or two, but what we didn't expect was how much it would change our perspectives and lifestyles along the way! We thought we were pretty sustainable before we started this challenge, but we've learned so much in the past 100 days; more than anything, it was the perfect reminder that there is always room for improvement.
The lifelong lesson this project has taught us is to never stop challenging ourselves! Keep questioning, researching, and growing because we can all be doing better.
Our time in the hot seat is over, but the 100 day challenge has just begun!
We're turning the tables around and putting the challenge in your hands. For the next 100 days, pick one (or several) of your favorite tips and commit to incorporating it into your life. Better yet, for the next 100 days commit to questioning those everyday, seemingly irrelevant and mundane habits and ask yourself,
"What impact is this having?"
"How could I be doing this better?"
You'll be surprised how easy it becomes to question your routine and live more consciously! And if you ever start doubting the overall impact that changing your routines can have, just remember all the times we showed how small changes add up to huge impacts! 1 person choosing not to use a plastic straw may seem small. 1 billion people choosing not to use one plastic straw is hugely impactful, and it all started with each person making a decision to do things better. Here's a look back at just a few of the amazing opportunities for a positive impact by making some simple changes.
Day #2: If everyone in the US bought just one item used instead of new in 2019, it would save nearly 6 billion pounds of carbon emissions - the equivalent of taking over half a million cars off the road for an entire year.
Day #12: If all the toilet paper in the world were made from recycled material, we would be saving 27,000 trees every day.
Day #35: If the entire U.S. did not eat meat or cheese for just one day a week, it would be the equivalent of not driving 91 billion miles – or taking 7.6 million cars off the road.
We've loved hearing from many of you throughout our 100 Day Challenge and learning how you're making simple changes in your life. Here are two of our favorites!
"My biggest take away from the 100 Day Challenge is that living a more sustainable life doesn't have to be as overwhelming as it sounds. The daily posts inspired me to make small, attainable changes to things I already do! One of my favorite tips was the reusable gift wrap post. Marianna recently gave me a birthday present and had it wrapped in a fun scarf. Our plan is to now use this scarf every time we give each other a gift! It'll be a fun friend tradition, and a more sustainable way to celebrate!" -- Lindsey Bank
"I loved using and learning about new products such as Stashers. But honestly my favorite part was the conversations that stemmed from the page/posts between myself and my friends :)" -- Carie Mullens