We've all heard that one man’s junk is another man’s treasure. There's so much truth to that old saying, and there are many opportunities to donate your unwanted and gently used items to different organizations.

We've all heard of Goodwill and Salvation Army; they both take a wide range of household goods. But did you know there are so many other places, that are also looking for your unwanted items?
Animal shelters need pet food, laundry soap, dog beds, newspapers, canned tuna, etc..
Food banks are always in need of baby formula and food, broth, brown rice, canned tuna, salmon and chicken, canola and olive oil to name a few.
Habitat for Humanity needs “gently used furniture, appliances, housewares, building materials and more.”
Libraries often receive donations of books and other reading materials. Be sure to check and see what your local branch will receive.
Do you have a wedding gown you no longer want? How about donating it to Brides Across America. They provide “wedding gowns to our military and first responders.”
Project Smile “donates stuffed animals, coloring books, crayons and children’s reading books for police officers, firefighters and paramedics to give to children.” They want to provide first responders with “comfort items to help ease the pain and fear of traumatized children.”
We think the organization that wins the prize for “thinking outside the donation box” is: St. Jude’s Ranch for Children. They have a recycled card program. Now you have a place to send all of the Christmas cards you've received.

Don’t forget the mantra: reduce, reuse, recycle. When you donate to a charitable organization, you're not only helping other people, but you're also keeping those items out of the landfill.
If you have something you don’t need anymore, all it takes is a little thought and research and we're sure you can find an organization that's willing and wanting to receive it.