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Read, recycle, reuse, replay, reclaim, resolve, reduce at Half Price Books

We think a great way to practice the phrase “reduce, reuse, recycle” is by shopping at used book and clothing stores, and our favorite place to go for used books, CDs, and DVDs is Half Price Books. Even though you never know exactly what you'll find, each trip feels like a fun scavenger hunt and we're always impressed by the variety and great quality of items at the store.

As y'all know if you've been reading our blogs, we love the Dallas Public Library, and we enjoy their resources and services often (Day 6 and Day 79). However, not everyone has a library card and sometimes you would rather purchase than borrow for whatever reason. If you fall into either of these camps, then definitely check out Half Price Books!

Even though they started as a used book store in an old laundromat in Dallas in 1972, they've expanded so much since then! Now with over 120 stores across the country and a website, they have buyers and sellers around the world and offer way more than used books! Here are a few of the fun, used items we see when we visit:

  • Books (obviously). They also have what they call "rare finds" like signed books and first editions.

  • DVDs

  • Audiobooks

  • CDs

  • Records

  • Puzzles and games

  • Textbooks

  • Magazines

We're so lucky that we have access to HPB's flagship store in Dallas, and even though their selection can be a bit overwhelming, they always have someone at their information booth who is ready to direct us to the exact item we're looking for. We've also been on the selling side of things at HPB; when we were cleaning out Papa Joe’s (grandfather) home, we took stacks of books and magazines to sell there. We never left with a lot of money, but it was rewarding to know that the items would have another life and wouldn't end up in the landfill just yet.

The founder of Half Price Books, Ken Gjemre, would say that "books should fill our lives, not our land." We couldn't agree more! We love that the company still lives by this saying and is helping save so many resources and keep millions of books and other entertainment in circulation and out of landfills!


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