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Happy 50th Birthday to Earth Day!

50 years ago today Senator Gaylord Nelson, Congressman Pete McCloskey and Denis Hayes created the first Earth Day, which led to the beginning of the modern environmental movement. Thanks to their vision and dedication we are all reaping the benefits of their hard work, but there is clearly still so much more that needs to be done.

Denis Hayes and his organization have seen many accomplishments over the years such as the creation of the United States Environmental Protection Agency and the passage of the Clean Air Act, the National Environmental Education Act and the Endangered Species Act to name a few. They have educated people around the world about the urgency of global warming and the importance of developing clean sources of energy.

Earth Day is now seen “as a day of action to change human behavior and create global, national and local policy changes.” Governments around the world have made many changes, but much more needs to be done and citizens of the world are realizing that it is often up to them to make the necessary changes to help reverse global warming.

Please join Mother Daughter Earth in our journey to help educate and inform you about the changes you can make in your life in order to personally thrive and at the same time protect our environment. So often we have noticed that what is good for the environment is good for us personally.

We know most of us won’t be observing Earth Day’s big 50th birthday like we had planned, but like so many other situations these days, we can make adjustments and think of other ways to consider how we can cherish and better care for our beloved Mother Earth. Take this day to reflect and think about the changes you would like to make in your life that will help protect our precious Earth.

Remember that we have only one body and one Earth and we need to take care of both of them.


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