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Thank you, 2019. Hello, 2020!

The holidays are over and everyone seems to be getting settled back into their daily groove. But looking back at last year, we just keep thinking...

2019 was so good to us!

It was the year we finally got serious about our joint passion project and took the plunge to put ourselves out there and start sharing the message we care so deeply about: thriving mindfully. We dabbled with several different platforms, spent countless hours on research, and started finding our unique voice. One thing that became so clear to us as we kept looking inward and analyzed our own daily habits was we have so much room for improvement on our journey to living sustainably; but we're proud of where we are now and how far we've come. We realized that we'll probably never reach a "perfect" sustainable life, but that's the fun of it! There will always be another mountain to climb, and we're enjoying the journey to its fullest!

Here are some of our 2019 highlights.

As you can see, most of the daily fun is happening on Instagram. So if you haven't followed us yet, please do!

2019 was great, but we're so excited about 2020!

It seems like we entered the new decade with a buzz surrounding a more conscious mindset, which is so exciting! We've been hearing about so many people and organizations that are wanting to make changes to help decrease their carbon footprint, and we're so hopeful that collective change is just around the corner!

Companies like Allbirds, IKEA, Siemens, and many others are working hard to become carbon neutral, and quite a few cities around the world have joined the Carbon Neutral Cities Alliance such as Amsterdam, Boulder, Copenhagen, Helsinki, London, Melbourne, Minneapolis, New York, San Francisco and the list goes on (here's the link to see if your city is a member: We're encouraged by the efforts of so many people, organizations, companies and cities, because the next decade is critical for the health of our planet and the future of the following generations.

So, we just wanted to drop you a line and let you know that...

Mother Daughter Earth took some time over the new year to reflect on 2019 and brainstorm what's to come for 2020, and we can tell you that it's going to be EXCITING! We are committed to continuing to share substantial content about living mindfully and sustainably and also start moving in different directions that excite and energize us. Stay tuned!

We'll leave you with this food for thought from one of our favorites.

"The key to realizing a dream is to focus not on success but on significance - and then even the small steps and little victories along your path will take on greater meaning."

- Oprah Winfrey


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